No one knows and understands their children better than the parents who love them. You feed them, bathe them, and read to them from a very young age in the hopes of developing their minds as well as their bodies. That’s why there’s no better monitor of a child’s strengths and weaknesses than a parent. You just know when something isn’t quite right.

When it comes to reading difficulties, early intervention can work wonders. Check out these four early warning signs.

Delayed Speech
Delayed speech is a red flag when it comes to a future possible reading difficulty. Delayed speech may be due to multiple ear infections or other hearing problems, but even if the hearing issues are addressed and speech patterns improve, reading difficulties may still follow. If your child experiences delayed speech, pay particular attention to other warning signs in case you need to get a jump on intervention.

Can’t Crack The Code
Switched-around ‘b’s and ‘d’s are popularly considered the classic sign of dyslexia. But the syndrome is more about puzzling out the relationships between scribbles and sounds and how word-parts scramble in ways to bring meaning. Incipient signs in preschoolers may include trouble learning colors, shapes, numbers, and letters. A preschooler may also fumble names and phrases by switching initial consonant sounds, or speak in “baby talk” long past the potty-training years.

Rhyme Time
Being able to recognize patterns of sounds is a phonetic skill that helps immensely when it comes to deciphering words on a page. Common nursery rhymes are a child’s first introduction to this form of phonetics. A preschooler should easily be able to fill in the last line of a common nursery rhyme that you’ve sung to him multiple times.

School Struggles
Decoding difficulties are more obvious in kindergarten and first grade when one of the main educational goals is to get your child reading with fluency. A kindergartener who labors to write the consonants correctly in simple words (vowels, with their varied sounds, are still a challenge at this age), may be manifesting a deeper issue. Lack of interest or concentration could also be a sign that your child is wearied by the hard work.

If you have concerns about your child’s progress, speak to your child’s teacher and consider contacting your pediatrician. Early testing can reveal weaknesses that intervention can strengthen.