There may be several reasons why you’re considering an after-school enrichment program for your child. Dual working parents might need to find a fun, safe, and productive program to keep children engaged in the afternoon. Perhaps your children have expressed an interest in a new activity or craft, want to play in an organized sport, or find themselves bored once they get home from school. Fortunately, after-school enrichment programs offer all these benefits, as well as a few unexpected ones that emphasize their importance.

Check out these 4 benefits of after-school enrichment programs.

Increased Physical Activity
In a society with so many screen-and-sofa temptations, an after-school enrichment program can offer healthy alternatives such as organized sports, lots of outdoor free play, as well as exposure to dance, martial arts, yoga, and other forms of physical exercise.

Exposure To New Interests
A school day is chock-full of academic lessons. After school enrichment programs can expose your child to new interests that would not normally be introduced, such as drama, a musical instrument, cooking, coding, puppet-making, and hands-on science.

Strengthening Of Social And Behavioral Skills
Studies have shown that attendance in after-school programs can improve classroom behavior. The extra time among peers helps improve socialization, as does participation in activities that encourage teamwork.

Improved Academic Performance
Studies have shown that participation in after-school programs can provide a measurable boost in academic performance. The availability of skilled and experienced tutors may be one of the primary reasons. Given the extra benefit of homework help and guidance, students in after-school programs feel less frustration and more confidence in their academic abilities.

A less tangible yet profound benefit of an after-school program is the joy of picking up a child who has already unwound from the tension of the day, has eaten a healthy snack, had a good long run in the playground, and has a backpack full of finished homework. Family evenings can then be better spent sharing stories rather than worrying about worksheets and time pressure.