First, we thank all of our ACA Parents for attending and helping with our Annual PTA Prince and Princess Ball on February 12th. It was wonderful to watch all the little children dressed up and dancing with their friends. To celebrate Black History month, on February 15th, we had African Folk Tales by Ms. Elizabeth Kahura sponsored by ACA’s PTA. That was a very good experience for the ACA children to participate in African culture.
You can see all the event pictures on ACA’s Facebook Page. You are always welcome to share your comments.
The cold front is almost over and sunshine is peaking between the clouds as spring will soon be here. The month of March is here and we are very excited for spring activities including a St. Patrick’s Day parade. Each child will have a chance to participate in these activities according to their class room.
ACA is teaching the importance of each child making it a routine to visit the library every month to bring a book to share with their class. I am encouraging all parents to please get involved by visiting the community library with your children. This will reinforce the lessons learned at school of the importance of books and reading. It is also important to learn the responsibility of taking proper care of our books and possessions.
Please join our ACA/PTA and get involved in your child’s education.
Our ACA afternoon music class is running in full force. We have infant, toddler and primary class children signed up for the Austin Music Productions (AMP) Program and having a blast. AMP class is every Friday from 3:15 to 4:15pm. Please check it out or peek from the window to see the active classroom. Just pick up a brochure for more information.
Enjoy the weather and Happy St Patrick’s Day!!
Mrs. Gupta