The goal of early education is to provide a solid foundation for your child. Montessori preschools and kindergartens offer a unique educational environment that can give your child the tools they need to succeed in elementary school and across their entire academic career.
Fundamental Concepts
Montessori education places a strong focus on a child’s ability to understand abstract concepts through concrete experiences. To quote Montessori herself, “What the hand does, the mind remembers.” A Montessori classroom is full of objects that will attract a child’s attention and help them learn about the way the world works.
This hands-on experience is obvious in students who have interacted with a Montessori program. Expect your child to have an easier time visualizing abstract concepts, finding solutions to basic problems, and taking independent action in their school projects.
Social Engagement
Montessori schools are known for creating a welcoming social environment. Children work together, play together, and learn how to solve problems both as individuals and as a group. These experiences translate into increased social confidence that will last for your child’s entire life.
Part of the magic comes from the Montessori tradition of teaching children in mixed-age groups. Your child will learn to treat both older and younger students as their peers, and they’ll gain a sense of empathy that can’t be easily replicated in other environments.
Individual Development
One of the great strengths of the Montessori method is that students are treated as individuals. This means that a student who has difficulty with a certain skill or topic will get the help they need at a pace that works for them.
Everyone approaches the world differently. Montessori teachers can work with your child to find a learning strategy that suits their unique talents. Students can then take these strategies into elementary school and apply them to new educational challenges.
Educational Appreciation
A child’s first experience with education can have a large impact on the rest of their academic career. Students who have positive first experiences will be more likely to engage with their coursework, interact with their classmates, and get the most out of any educational environment.
Montessori programs teach students that learning is a natural part of life. Even if they are taken out of the program, children who have been in a Montessori classroom know how to take agency over their education. They won’t hesitate to solve problems and learn more about interesting subjects.
By placing your child in a Montessori school, you’re giving them the chance to explore the world at a natural and comfortable pace. With agency comes a sense of confidence, and your child will feel empowered for the rest of their educational experience.