Children are every bit as unique as the adults they grow to be. One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to education. Different kids learn in different ways. Read on to discover the main types of learners and how you can help your children achieve success no matter what type of learners they may be.
Types of Learning Styles
The main types of learning styles are auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. Auditory learners really thrive when lessons are read or told to them. Visual learners more easily catch on when they get a graphic explanation or can watch a demonstration. On the other hand, kinesthetic learners retain information best after having a hands-on experience where they can touch and better process the lesson.
Help Auditory Learners
If your student is an auditory learner, engage your child in conversation about the lessons of the day. Also, read books aloud when possible, and you may ask the teacher if your child can tape record lectures, when possible, instead of taking written notes. You can also help a child who’s an auditory learner by recording vocabulary and spelling words onto a tape recorder, then allowing your child to listen to them back while relaxing.
Assist Visual Learners
When you are the parent of a visual learner, try to help your child by supplying a general outline of material that is going to later be covered in class. Getting a visual look at this information can help your child retain more information. Also, you may opt to use flip boards, diagrams, movies, and charts when helping these learners understand a complex subject.
Help Kinesthetic Learners
Kinesthetic learners really like things to be clearly laid out in the real world. The best way to help a kinesthetic learner may be to take your child to hands-on exhibits at museums. When restricted to the classroom, your child is likely to do best with activities like laboratory experiments or role playing where the kinesthetic learner can touch, feel, and explore the subject matter.
Advocate for Your Learner
Whether your children are auditory, visual, or kinesthetic learners, they deserve to have a learning environment that considers their specific needs. Catering the education environment to the learning style of your children can help them do their best. Be sure to communicate with the teacher at the start of the school year regarding what you think needs to be done to help your child learn best. It’s possible to get your child’s needs met without distracting from what the teacher needs to do to ensure that all kids are learning.
Finally, keep an open mind as you strive to advocate for your child’s education, as what each child needs to thrive and learn may change over time. While learning styles don’t typically change, what a child needs to learn best may evolve. Work with teachers to help ensure that your child’s short-term learning needs are met in order to fulfill the long-term educational goals that you and your child have.