
All posts by ACA

Ways To Keep Kids Active In The Cold

Even the most active kids may balk at going outside during a sudden stretch of frigid weather. Long daily walks, hikes through the woods, and bike rides aren’t quite as fun when there’s a...
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7 Fun Kids Activities In Austin This Winter

The broiling days of summer are finally over! With temperatures and humidity dipping into the comfort zone, winter is one of the loveliest times of the year in Austin, Texas, offering up a host of...
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5 Advantages Of A Montessori Education

Consider the Montessori Method of childhood education: Though the philosophy is a hundred years old, well-tested and established, it still has the feel of something delightfully revolutionary....
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The Adult’s Role In Montessori Education

Back when Dr. Maria Montessori observed children in turn-of-the-century classrooms, the educational methods she ultimately developed upended contemporary ideas about how young students develop and...
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Social Skills In The Montessori Classroom

If you’ve ever observed a Montessori classroom in action, particularly a group of three-to-six-year-old children, you may be struck by how very calm and organized the classroom is. The children...
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Smart Classroom Design Is At The Heart Of The Montessori Method

Montessori classrooms are known for their wide-open design, unique materials, glorious lighting, and sense of order. The construct is intentional. Baked into the Montessori Method of education is the...
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What Is The Single Most Important Result Of The Montessori Method?

Dr. Montessori once said that a teacher’s greatest success is when “the children are now working as if I (the teacher) did not exist.” This may sound odd to those who were raised in...
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4 Advantages Of A Multi-Age Montessori Classroom

Parents are surprised, and sometimes taken aback, to discover that each Montessori classroom consists of three-year age groupings. Accustomed to classes that consist of kids within a very narrow age...
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Montessori At Home

If you’ve ever visited a Montessori classroom in action, you might be struck by how calmly the school day progresses, in large part due to the children themselves. The students know where to...
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The Absorbent Mind

The Absorbent Mind is one of the fundamental discoveries that underlie the philosophy of a Montessori education. Dr. Marie Montessori recognized the concept during her extensive observation of active...
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