Category Archives: ACA Blog

5 Benefits of a Montessori Education

The Montessori Method is founded on the idea that children love to learn. When you enroll your child in a Montessori school, you are providing a variety of advantages that apply to every aspect of their education. 1) Hands-On Learning When you step into a Montessori classroom, you’ll immediately notice the prevalence of Montessori designed […]

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10 Facts About Montessori Schools

How much do you know about the Montessori Method? Whether you’re new to the Montessori method or have enrolled your child in a Montessori school since they were very young, some of the facts on this list might surprise you. 1) The Montessori Method Is Over 100 Years Old Maria Montessori opened her first school […]

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What Your Child Does at Montessori School

When you think about their child’s education, you probably think about grades, academic programs, and faculty qualifications. But from the child’s point of view, an education is made up of individual activities and experiences. Take a quick peek at the most common Montessori activities to understand what your child’s average school day will look like. […]

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Why Montessori Kids Have a Head Start in Elementary School

The goal of early education is to provide a solid foundation for your child. Montessori preschools and kindergartens offer a unique educational environment that can give your child the tools they need to succeed in elementary school and across their entire academic career. Fundamental Concepts Montessori education places a strong focus on a child’s ability […]

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The Neurology of Montessori for Brain Development

Maria Montessori opened her first classroom in 1907. At the time, her educational theories were based on study and observation. Now, more than a century after her first day of class, scientific research has started to support many of Dr. Montessori’s original claims. The Hand and the Brain Dr. Montessori believed that “the hands are […]

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Daycare or Montessori?

For parents who have work or other obligations, childcare can become a necessity long before your child is old enough for a traditional school. The early developmental years are important, and choosing the right childcare organization can make a major difference in your child’s future. Luckily, it’s no secret that Montessori preschools offer everything your […]

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The Montessori Method

Whether you’re familiar with the various educational philosophies, or have just begun your search into the right school for your child, you probably have heard of The Montessori Method. This century-old philosophy is used in over 4500 schools in the United States. Its focus on developing critical thinking, initiative, independence, and a love of learning […]

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The Story Of Maria Montessori

As a little girl born in a small town in Italy in 1870, Maria Montessori’s future appeared preordained. As a daughter of a government functionary, she might receive some education at a public elementary school, but her instruction would likely end at the age of twelve. Most girls of her age and social standing were […]

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Popular Austin Libraries For Kids

Looking to find fun, free, and educational entertainment for your kids? What better place to go than to a public library? Austin is blessed with a phenomenal library system that consists of the Central Library on Cesar Chavez Boulevard as well as twenty branch libraries. Check out what these Austin library branches offer for your […]

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Maria Montessori Theory Stages

Most of us are familiar with the Montessori Method as it applies to preschools or grammar schools, but Dr. Maria Montessori‘s philosophy was not confined to early childhood education. Her interests encompassed full development from birth until adulthood, and her philosophy offers keen lessons for parents of older children, all the way to the age […]

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